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Hello, as you probably realized I’m completely late this month and I want to apologize for this. I’m currently trying to finish Sirius but this month got completely horrible. My wisdom tooth hurt so much it’s giving me headache and now I got a cold (not sure if it’s headache from the tooth or cold t-t). MEANWHILE, my grandfather was taken to the hospital because he had a clot (?) in his head and I had to help my family. But thankfully everything went well for him and he’s doing good now! c=

Anyway, I just want to apologize for this horrible month. I’m really trying to work but the pain is HORRIBLE. I’m looking for a dentist and I’ll definitely remove this tooth >_>

Thank you so much for your patience.



Feel better nano and when you do anime tiddies galore!


Is oky hope yu get better D:


I hope you get better and take your time. Anime tiddies can wait. Your health and family wellbeing comes first.


Hope all goes well. We'll be here when you're able and pain free <3


It's all good take your time


Life happens! Take care of yourself, we'll still be here!


Positive message!


Oof, Best wishes for your grandfather.


Been through it. Things may suck for a moment, but once you're through it, life is easier.


Out nano is all good we're just glad you be here still


Take more time if you need it, dont ignore your personal health or family


Personal Health and Family are more important. Don´t worry we can wait. Sort your stuff out, get your hurting tooth removed and get back to it once your cold is gone. Good news that your grandpa is well

Reploid Hero

Take care of yourself nano you are the priority here the lewds can wait, glad that your grandfather is ok. Please focus on finding a dentist i know tooth pain and it makes you shutdown it's horrible, Wishing you the best <3


It's good to take personal time if you need it, life happens sometimes and it's never a bad thing to step back fix what's more important.


There's never anything wrong with stepping away to deal with real life issues. We'll all be here to support you.


Oh no! I'm so sorry thats happening! You take care of your family first! We'll all be fine! In sure none of us mind


Advise you to see a dentist to pull the wisdom tooth, or it will pain frequently in your rest life and do harm to your healthy teeth. It’s better to have short, sharp pains than long, dull pains.


We love you nano, why are you sorry for what has essentially bren random chance? Get better, and wish your grandfather and yourself good recoveries


Take all the time that you need <3


Glad your grandfather is alright. Take care of yourself first.


Thanks for letting us know. Sorry all of that happened at the same time, dont push yourself too much. Wisdom teeth arent fun to deal with even after theyre removed but good luck with it all!


Are you only suffering from the one wisdom tooth? I had to have all 4 of mine extracted. They were truly a bother. I don't think mine caused me much pain though. Hopefully you find a good surgeon for it. I believe most of us can be patient for you because we love you. Hope all else is well!


Sorry for all the trouble you are going through. I hope things get better soon.


Take your time, friend 👍


Don't stress yourself out! It's always a treat to wait to see your art, but till then there are plenty of other pictures to see ^_^ thanks for updating us at least and not dying <3

Clarence j Sidney

Your health is far more important than our puny joy seriously get well soon


no need to apologize - hope things get better for you


Take ur time :)


Take care


It's all good nano, it's important to take care of yourself, so take your time