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Being late as always I gladly announce our August winners! Hooray~ *clapclapclap*

Normal poll winners:

1 - Maid Serena with 134 votes
2 - Rory with 92 votes
3 - Grey Wolf with 72 votes

League poll winner:

1 - Pool Party Caitlyn with 175 votes

Congratulations for our winners! =3 Caitlyn won in a stomp and I'm pretty sure this is our new vote record! *moreclaps*

Thank you everyone for voting and suggesting characters! Your participation is really important <3

Also, August is here and soon the rewards will be sent! I'm not sure if Patreon will delay the payment since they're having troubles to process payments. Any update I get, I'll be telling you!

Thank you so much for your patience =3




Bloodmoon dianaaaaa :3 cant wait to see how these turn out


I'm glad with who the winners turned out to be, especially Serena. Can't wait to see her!


Yaaaaaas@ Rory!