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To be fair, Ryuma as a zombie corpse had Brook's soul, so it wasn't the real Ryuma (who could have beat Zoro's ass) that gave him Shuusui, a national treasure that is a part of their cultural mythology. As Indiana Jones would say: "It belongs in a museum."


Except we saw with Cindry that the body does hold some remnant of the original personality that can come out under enough stress. So that could have been the actual Ryuma coming out at the end.


As with pretty much everything in Wano, Gyukimaru is based on Japanesse folklore, in this case the story of a warrior monk named Benkai, also known as Oniwakamaru, (The foxes name being Onimaru) who traveled the land defeating and then claiming the weapons of samurai who he deemed as unworthy of the title before taking a place as the retainer of a lord known as Ushiwakamaru, much like the fox was the companion of Shimotsuki Ushimaru.


So much this! Everyone forgets that the zombie is made up by both Ryuma and Brook, and thus anything he says can't be considered as Ryuma's word. Also, even if Zoro could somehow explain this, I don't think anyone in Wano would really care, I feel like having their national treasure returned to them would be more important than giving the sword away to (at this point) some random pirate.