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luffy was really just watching one piece


So Boom, you mentioned giving Yasu a proper burial, which reminded me of a fairly big question in One Piece; What the heck did the WG do with Roger's body? They probably wouldn't just throw it away, but I doubt they'd give him a grave either. Do you have thoughts?


You'd think that Yasu had eaten a smile too, but Oda in fact retconned that, and stated that Yasu was only smiling all the time to cheer everyone up.

Stephen Brooks

Wow, I never thought about that, or even heard anyone else ask that. wowie wow wow


Kid and Killer have a sad backstory that unfortunately wasn't included in the manga. In short, they had a shared first love, a girl named Victoria Shiruton Doruyanaika. At some point, she was killed by a criminal gang that ruled the country they lived in. Kid, Killer, Heat and Wire (the two more prominent crew members) then revolted against said gang. After that, they set out to sea and named their ship Victoria Punk, after the girl. Also, if Killer's smile hadn't been defective, he would have become an elephant Smile user. His head would have been at the end of the trunk, with his arms sticking out from the sides. Personally I would choose to always laugh, over having a warped Zoan ability I can't even turn off. Oh, and IRL, Killer would be from Scotland, jut imagine him with a scottish accent 😂.


You actually have that backwards. It was first stated in a Data Card that Yasuie didn't eat a SMILE but then that got retconned later in the manga to saying that he did eat a SMILE fruit.


Ah, I must have watched some videos in a backwards order. Or I was trying to manifest the better of the two, story-wise, into existence 😅.


Like is he in a freezer somewhere, or something? We know at least one devil fruit that could make corpses move 🤔


i love how queen is just chillin watchin tv w luffy. causally asks if that’s his friend and then just keeps watching😂


I’m pretty sure that’s the first time Zoro and Sanji saw each other since Zou What a reunion 🥺