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One Piece Reaction - Wano - Episode 937 938

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Wano - Episode 937 938" on Streamable.



People often get these mixed up, but the haki emission, or advanced armament, isn't called ''ryuo''. That's the term used in Wano for haki overall. Like ''eggplant'' and ''aubergine''. Just a heads up.


Fun fact.. Or just a fact; Hyogoro is actually a year younger than Yasu, at 70 years old.


Oda has stated that Fukurokuju's (long-headed ninja with shades) forehead grows every time he's sad. There's actually a semi-sad backstory that never made it to the manga, it's still a bit of a spoiler so I won't tell it, it's related to him losing an important person, which makes Orochi's tantrum round 23:15 quite interesting. Fukurokuju and some of the important members of the Oniwabanshu are based on Japan's Seven Gods of Fortune.


Not sure about other people, but I'm a huge Zoro x Hiyori shipper 😅


In true One Piece fashion, Yasu is Toko's adoptive dad.

Ben Asay

I always feel bad for Toko when she finds that out.. how are you liking the arc so far?

Ben Asay

That's awesome! I'm happy about that. I really enjoy you theorizing, reminds me of me on my first watch. I'm looking forward to more Billy, have a great day!

Marcos Paulo

Can’t wait to watch your react to the next 3 episodes since Toko first showed up. I used to be annoyed by it but on rewatch always makes me mad.