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Why do characters look sooo weird when they become old in one piece lol


(DISCLAIMER: I'm a white guy who used google) The Oiran procession/parade is something that was actually done in the Edo period. Someone above mentioned that they were the highest level of courtesan for their house - that means that they were basically sold as property to what amounts to a whorehouse, and happen to be the highest earner/most skilled in the house. They were also allowed to choose which clients they wanted, so you could pay for them to meet you once, and if they didn't like you they could just never see you again. You had to pay to meet them 3 times before you could actually get their services. I'm not sure if it was actually possible to buy out a contract though. When they were "hired" for the night, they would do this parade to pick up the guest (as a way to show off that they were wealthy enough to hire her). Still done during a festival that actually happened recently and there are lots of videos on youtube, but I prefer this video from Edo Wonderland that I found when I was looking this up when I first watched this episode, thought it was pretty interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvoGW8sNweg