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Ben Asay

When the gang first met Raizo and they were all asking him to show them Ninja techniques Zoro said "hide in the ceiling and get stabbed by pikes" or something to that effect. Just realized Nami and Shinobu had that happen to them 🤣


When Blackbeards bounty was revealed it was 300 years since the real Blackbeard in carribbean seas in 1716 was killed. Using the inflation it is the exact bounty the real one had when captured and killed by the navy back then. This show uses the same currency as japanese Yen so it would be 16,371,164.70 US Dollars today :)


If it has slipped you, Blackbeard was the most infamous pirate to have ever sailed the Carribbean :)


So now we got, King, Queen, Jack and Joker. You play cards right? I love how Oda just impliment everything. What could this mean tho? XD


So, if you haven't been told, Absalom saved Moria from Doflamingo and the Pacifistas with his devil fruit. After that, Absalom became a reporter for the called Absa during the time-skip.


Fullalead is also called Beehive Island, that's the more accurate translation to the Japanese name ''Hachinosu''. Still a reference to bullets. Also, Moria sailed to Fullalead on a ''miniature'' Thriller Bark''.


The instrument the fox-masked individual is playing is called a shamisen, I believe.


''Atamayama'' translates to ''head (atama) mountain (yama)''.


Yeah I wonder why they translated to Fullalead when Beehive works the same but then again Hachinosu is an idiom for “full of leads” but makes as much sense as Beehive. They maybe thought English readers were dumb 😭


This honestly made me not like Okiku, Inu, Araiza and Kanjuro They literally asked a man who stayed in Wano for 20 years suffering on his own “man it’s all good just join us again and fight to the death again for this dudes honor that died like 20 years ago” like they seemed really self centered and not thinking about Asura Douji at all. I wasent really invested in their characters but this made me lose interest in them. And i can’t blame momo bc hes only 8 and he’s trying his best. Specially since Inu should know better but he also didn’t suffer in Wano he went home to Zou.


Also Moria is such an underrated character my dude went to an emperors base to try and rescue his friend 🥲 he only has few friends bc he’s afraid of losing them again (like his old crew that got killed by Kaido) but he really out there for them


Well, I mean, Kiku and Kanjuro were transported, so it was only like 3 months ago for them that Oden was killed. It'll be difficult to not feel passionately about that. And Inu has literally lost his leg, nearly his life, and almost given up his entire country to fight this fight. That's unbridled loyalty. I mean, what else were they supposed to do? Not ask? Besides, the country they are fighting for is also Asura's country.

Jordan Rudnick

the devon reveal scared the shit out of me when I first saw it because the imediate assumption was she had Bon Clay's fruit

Jordan Rudnick

someone else pointed out that the instrument is a shamisen, the bachi(pick) is shaped like that for a reason. You get the really nice plucky sound from the strings and the shape makes it easy to get a percussive element out of the head. It's an incredible instrument

Jordan Rudnick

there will be another instrument later on that sounds nearly identical called a biwa, the difference is biwa has a rounder head and 4 strings