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F. Carasind

Luffy doesn't need a haki stomach against poison that isn't very deadly.


The fact that at this point Ace didn't really know or believed that any one loved him, yet he show so much love...


Luffy likes to cosplay, eh? Then he should replace his straw hat for a plastic one


Don't worry. This arc has a lot of effects that makes everything looks like 10x crazier than the One Piece you know and love. It feels like a completely different anime!


So at the moment there are 3 Kitetsu swords we think bc the purple sword here is Kitetsu 2nd (Nidai Kitetsu) and Zoro has Kitetsu 3rd (Sandai Kitetsu) So we there there must be a Kitetsu First out there and the two Kitetsu swords have a cross shape guard and suspiciously one of the Five elder stars (the Ghandi looking one) has a sword with also a cross shaped guard so people theorize that he has the Kitetsu 1st.


The raccoon teapot is called Bunpuku. It's a teapot that ate a raccoon (tanuki) fruit. Tanuki have huge.. Bits.. That they can transform into things. Bunpuku is sitting on its.. Bits.


Remember how Little Oars Jr. had that kasa hat (straw hat) that he got from Ace? He learned to make the hats in Wano. Edit so I won't send too many comments: The six things on Hawkins' forehead are eyebrows. IIRC each one is a separate, really thick hair.


Somebody really told you, that you shoudnt do fillers ? i would love to see you react to those! God damn :(

Jordan Rudnick

the people of Wano wouldnt' have heard about Ace's death because it's an incredibly isolationist Island with almsot no contact with the outside world