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Luis CK

You're gonna love the music even harder in this arc. The worst moment in the arc pace-wise (the one Ruff told you “you'll know when you see it” is drawing closer LUL.

Luis CK

OH YOU ALREADY SAW IT! IT'S 903. Did you call it? (Sumo fight, maintaining balance to not fall of the ring for 3 minutes straight KEKW )


There's gonna be enough of that particle and laser looking stuff. Actually so much in fact that you can't even see the characters!


Your gonna have a fun time pronouncing characters name in this Wano arc:D There's no Johnny or Betty here


Cant believe we're at Wano already mate, what a journey it has been!


There’s gonna be a lot of Japanese mythology references in this arc lol The purple girl child is a reference to the myth of Momotaros who befriended a monkey with a millet dango lol And Komachiyo is named after a mythological lion-dog that is often used as a shrine guardian. If you see a small raccoon dog sitting on something. He’s sitting on his balls. They are like a few in the background of some scenes and I find them amusing as hell.


Congrats on getting to Wano! Since you mentioned Zoro's bustiness, I'll tell you that Zoro's bust size was asked in an SBS recently-ish; It's 110cm around. Nami and Robin's sizes (as well as other girls') have been asked in the past, and theirs are 98cm and 100cm respectively. So Zoro's bustier than either of the Straw Hat girls 😂.


Otama (Eng. = ball) can pull kibi dangos from her cheeks. They're also called millet dumpling. As another comment says, she's inspired by the story of Momotaro. Momotaro befriended a dog, pheasant and monkey by giving them his dumplings. The OG admirals also get their epithets from that story. Momotaro fighs onis in the story, and onis are typically shown having horns like bulls (Ryokugyu = Green Bull) and wearing tiger loincloths (Fuijtora = Purple Tiger).

Jordan Rudnick

as you noticed pretty early on, the music and art style for wano is insane