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One Piece Reaction - Reverie - Episode 884 885 886 887

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I would have preferred to watch all the teary flashback stuff tho^^


So, ''Rox'' has also been spelled ''Rocks'', I think that's the official way. Another thing, Gion and Tokikake were made in the SBS. They both have admiral titles, there's a few vice-admiras like that. Gion's admiral title is Momousagi, which means peach/pink rabbit, and Tokikake's title is Chaton, which means brown pig. Tokikake has asked Gion out over 100 times and has been rejected every time.


big mom would not be able to suck kaido's soul even if he wanted her to because he doesn't fear her. He should though cos that bitch is crazy.


I always thought you should get Lucci's pigeon in a suit as your One Piece tattoo, haha.


So, I realise I am quite late to this post. But, I just wanted to comment about how adorable it is, that Kureha has a shirt with Chopper's bounty on it.