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One Piece Reaction - Whole Cake - Episode 868-869_1

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Whole Cake - Episode 868-869_1" on Streamable.



how dare you end on such a cliff hanger... my soul cant take this

Mithril Lace

I also didn't want to forget my thought by the end of the episode - the wholesomeness of Bege and Chiffon's relationship gives me life. And when you talk about the unconditional love in the background of the main cast, one scene always ends up coming to mind. Oda rarely shows the couples doing things like kissing or giving obvious signs of affection and devotion (at least compared to any other media with established relationships) but he never fails to convey just how strongly these characters feel. The real 'slapped me in the face' scene depicting this was after Otohime's death and we saw Neptune imprison himself to go on a rampage alone. The entire scene of him lamenting that he couldn't do anything/couldn't push back his hatred and violence for her sake so he had to be locked up was absolutely heartbreaking. And up until displays like that, what we got was 'yes they are an established married couple with children who seem happy together'. That scene, without stating it, was like 'no homie this woman was his entire heart and he is mourning and this is what true love should look like. now cry.' Anyway, it's nice to have background couples who are written so well.


I also really liked the Kyros/Scarlet marriage. Granted, that one was also very tragic in the end.