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One Piece Reaction - Whole Cake - Episode 836-837

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Whole Cake - Episode 836-837" on Streamable.



"There are no good people in one piece" spot on lol :D


I don't think this is meant to make you feel bad for Linlin, just understand why she is the way she is. It is kind of sad in that, we see that through all this, she really was a well meaning kid that wanted to just be friends with everyone, but was so strong and unable to control that strength that she could never really do so, while also being too strong and unstable to ever really discipline enough for her learn more self control. Even now, we clearly see she is still a big kid, selfish, utterly lacking in self control, wanting instant gratification, and throwing a tantrum whenever she doesn't get her way. We can feel sorry for the fact her life led her to this place when she really did start out wanting to be a good girl, while also being very aware that she is a monster that is a threat to all around her. Also here is a kind of terrifying thought, just imagine how things might have played out if Mother Caramel HAD managed to sell Linlin to the Government and she grew up to be their agent....

Vlad Mavra

If Linlin ended up with the Government, she would've been the strongest Admiral for sure...