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One Piece Reaction - Whole Cake - Episode 828-829

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Whole Cake - Episode 828-829" on Streamable.



No, it's gonna be another story! Look forward to it....


Wuuumzie _moomzie is the real deal yo!


I really wonder how Bege would hav done this without Luffy and Brulee

Pakky P.

"Caesar is Oppenheimer, if Oppenheimer also happened to be Buggy." So Jack Parsons then? I just say that because I foresee Caesar's life unfolding the same way. By getting involved with people he shouldn't have and blowing himself up one day.


Trying to catch up, but not sure if you've been made aware, that there are several versions of the OP Hope to watch. I would HIGHLY recommend the 3rd (Sanji) Version, as it funnily enough focuses more on Sanji and his struggles, and with the lyrics as well?! Ugh I fucking love Hope. It's been my No.1 on my spotify wrapped for like 3 years running. (Hope, Fight Together and there's too many versions of We Are so all the listens are spread, making it no 3)

Marcos Paulo

Excuse me I'm not on an early access tear. Where did we lost Jinbe?