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Monster Reaction - Episode 2

Watch "Monster Reaction - Episode 2" on Streamable.


Pakky P.

Honestly read that as Monster Rancher at first, and was totally ready to go there 😆


God i miss this show. I cant wait...


I don't think it's that everyone sucks at their job, it's just that surgery is a huge field. Surgeons are very specialised, so he's probably the only neurosurgeon there and the others are specialised in other areas. They can perform neurosurgery in an emergency, but they aren't specialists in what was needed.


What I find most unbelievable is how the news is reporting on these incidents, lol. That doesn't seem like a German broadcast at all. Of course it might have been different in 1986.


Everyone that has done a surgery in the show so far has had their patient die, except for Tenma.


I see I was wrong about the specialisation as well, since Dr. Boyer is a neurosurgeon. Guess Dr. Tenma is just pre-eminent in his field. Of course the times when patients died are just the ones that were selected to be shown to us. I don't think these two surgeries were the only ones in Dr. Boyer's career, lol.


And now for our everyday 6 o'clock news on this particular station of this particular hospital ^^


Btw. I'm saying this as someone who hasn't watched the show, so no clue if it's important or not, but in Japanese it's very clear that the girl is saying "kill" in an imperative. That doesn't really come across in English.