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Re ZERO Reaction - Episode 1B

Watch "Re ZERO Reaction - Episode 1B" on Streamable.


Gus N

Huh, weird so "The Jealous Witch" here is mistranslated, it should be "The Witch of Envy". Anyway, I suggest you switch to the directors cut for the future reactions. I posted a comment on episode 1A with some info but I was pretty late so I'm not sure if you saw it.


The directors cut is fine but it does have some issues with music at some points so i wouldn't recommend it.

Gus N

Not much different, and even so it's probably worth it to see any extra scenes and uncensored visuals, you won't notice missing music unless it's pointed out to you but if a gore scene is half obstructed by black fuzzy stuff you'll know that it's being censored just by looking.


Cant wait for more