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One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 744-746

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 744-746" on Streamable.



Don't pay attention to the guy at the end of the last episode Boom, non-canon movie tie-in shiz :p


It's funny Barto is fan boying to much over Zoro, yet he know that him fighting Fujitory probably is a bad idea.


What else could remind you of the sun if not that round yellow thing that luffy is carrying on his head. Hope you not got spoiled to hard.


If I where Doflamingo holding the Reins of the monsters of the world, I would given them some steroid pills from Fishman Island and point them in the direction of Marineford. Imagine Akainu's face, dropping a Yonko on pills bang in the middle of Marineford.


Pirates and warmongers all over the world has just accumulated weapons from Doflamino. Now that there is nothing more to get, they all are gonna execute their plans, No point hanging around. Time for action. That's what I believe at least


"Bartos boat is called Mister Luffy Go? No No No NO It's "The Going Luffy Senpai"


62:34 There is our Sun XD


Process of making Vivre card is made at a "special shop" as they said with a clip of their finger nail (DNA)


I’m so excited, my favorite arc is next!!!


Every time they mention the number 56 in any form just know it’s a joke as well as Luffy’s number bc you can say it in Japanese as “GOMU” So Barto having specifically 56 members in his crew is a Luffy joke Yo that “only alive” 👀 You ain’t ready for my favorite arc


Thank you for the spoiler alert! Whatever you were about to say about the sunshine, I haven't gotten that far yet :)

Andrew Lavigne

i hate spoiler they dont have a life