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Hunter X Hunter Reaction - 13th Hunter Chairman Election - Episode 137-138

Watch "Hunter X Hunter Reaction - 13th Hunter Chairman Election - Episode 137-138" on Streamable.



Also to complement. All the Zoldicks children are called he. Kalluto who looks and has a girl's voice as well is referred to as a he. It is not known for sure why, or if both Kalluto and Aluka are trans. And that is why you will always read everyone referring to the male gender except Killua.

Stephen Brooks

Trans? Is there any official source for that? So these two people were born female and transitioned to male at extremely young ages, and everyone calls them male, but Killua still calls Alluka "she/her"? Maybe Kalluto is just a male, but a child also, thus the voice. And Alluka clearly has two different forms, so maybe one is male and one is female? It's just that if people are talking about the story I'd want it to be based on the story, and I see no "trans" mentioned in the story. Maybe it's meant to be a mystery and there will be a reveal.


Kalluto was never meant to be thought of as a female and is not a trans character. Confusion about Kalluto comes from the style of clothes that he wears. It is a style that traditionally was made for both boys and girls of middle and upper class families. It wasn't until the 20th century that it became more of a feminine style. It's just a case of him being a lot more traditional and people getting confused because of different cultures.

Gus N

That's not what trans means. Trans people are still trans before they transition, they simply identify as a different gender than what their body is considered. There's no way to tell if she is trans or not, but she clearly identifies as female either way.

Gus N

@MickFoley299 Killua, who knows her better than anyone else in the family, refers to her as his sister, not brother, and she clearly prefers that. If she isn't trans, the only thing that makes sense is that she is cis but everyone else in the family refers to her as a 'he' anyway. Knowing how weird the Zoldyck family is, I wouldn't rule that out, but to say that she was never meant to be thought of as female is incorrect in either case.

Nate D.

To Stephen, all of Silva’s children are sons, they may dress bizarre, but alluka is called “her”, “she” is 11, and kalluto (whose in the phantom troupe, is the youngest