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Watch "Overlord Reaction - Season 4 - Episode 13" on Streamable.



i Remember reading somewhere but if you remember those goldenfalmed undead horses shown a few times. Those are all level 100 Creatures like Albedo's Warbicorn. apprently those are enough to demolish the capital. Ainz had so many differnt ways of destroying the Capital but ended up using Renners plans. Also Renner is a genius like shown in the Series. (possiable an innate ability) but what isnt told/ shown is that it rivals Albedo and Demiurge.


Just watched AJ's 10-12 right now and this is perfectXD


Ainz revealing his true nature Last bit was little contradictory, last ep he showed himself as weak to that dragon, so will they not think all ainz is but a barely strong evil person who can still be defeated? If he wanted others to truly fear him , should not have showed himself as weak in the last ep.


Gotta admire Maruyama. He's like a little Oda.

Ryuuji Gremory

He never showed himself as weak, he fed PDL false information, going so far as that PDL assumed that Albedo is the player and he is the NPC, and still forced him to flee with his tail between his legs. It's not contradictory at all, PDL might be a threat so he wants him to underestimate Nazarick so that they can later slaughter him even easier. The humans are a nuisance at best if they try to fight them so they are shown what is the better choice, to fall in line like the Empire of defy them like the Kingdom.


Renner looks so amazing like this 😍 The art of her in the Light Novel is fantastic! Give that a google, you won’t regret it 😜


I haven't read the Light Novels but love how at the end we got to see how far back Renner had actually joined Nazarick's side. As far back as season 2 it looks like.


Princess Renner's singing scene was crazy to me. I felt like it was the most haunting and ominous thing to do at the time and yet... oddly beautiful. Also, I too thought she was already "partly demon" which got me to think about the Queen. What's up with her? No mention of her, from what I can recall, at least in the anime anyway. If it's in the manga, no spoilers please lol.