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Watch "One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 712-713" on Streamable.



About the lightning strike at Loguetown, like you said people theorize it's Dragon who did it. But the instances of him using his powers in the ASL arc it was only wind. I personally think it was something else and that did the lightning strike.


But at least in Loguetown there was wind aswell (after the execution). May be that was Dragon and the lightning was indeed sth else ^^


love it how Oda has a thing for the green headed and the blondes to fight and dislike each other lolol The thing with the week to week thing... they show what happenend in the preview and then in the episodes something similiar and at the end from the episode you got like 10 mins, and Dresserosa srlly sucked pacing wise, I dropped the anime before Luffy even had his first fight in the coloseum, just to give you an idea. Binge watching it is way better in my opinion, sure the flashbacks are annoying because they keep showing the same thing over over but that's a little price to pay lol