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One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 636-638

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 636-638" on Streamable.



Gotta love Barto. The hair, the attitude, the pissing at the Colosseum, the ability.


My teenage body screams for 00s punk rock haha, and my friend said the 00s was the worst for punk rockXD


Yup, Bartolomeo is awesome! You also missed the bit where it showed his nickname "Bartolomeo the Cannibal". Though that is, not really a mistranslation as that is the best literal meaning of the term, but in cultural context it misses the meaning. Rather then being "he eats people" it's more a term used to describe certain people who seem to metaphorically feed off of the rage and anger and frustration that they cause in others, especially online. In other words, a more accurate English name for him would be "Bartolomeo the Troll"


I saw the nickname, but until context is given I wasn’t going to assume one way or the other


dude we need to acknowledge this announcer


Oda at least made the joke abouth the Fourth Basefall Hitter in Mr. 4 in Alabasta


Like this is the biggest question ever. If your 14 yearold daughter came in, sayin she was pregnant? WWhat would you do? story of my life---


Pacing is just for thow watching weeek to week


Crossing ur fingers to make a barrier is a Japanese kids game Like when ur cross ur fingers to not get cooties from someone “kid game” in America