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op 581-583 patreon

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Josep Guilaña

Dude, how strong Usopp has become pulling that meat


Isn't Robin walking around in her underwear? Poor Brook. When they get over she would have dressed up^^


52:25. Look at those eyes bro


Love how we went from almost crying for the kids to an epic moment for Sanji and Franky to Brook just chilling and building snowmen. Sometimes I forget Brook is the oldest in the crew hahah


"Why would I have assumed it would have been normal?" This is now my favorite quote and reaction, from this entire run. The absolute amount of doneness in your voice slays me! And, to answer your question, its because you're still under the assumption that this series is being done by a normal mangaka, and not one that never wastes a moment to throw in a good twist and some worldbuilding. Probably should have dropped that assumption back when we met the Island Whale with a resort in his stomach, honestly.


At this point, something just being 'normal' would be the most alarm bell rising, abnormal thing to happen.

Adam Carlson

"I myself am, strange and unusual."


ODA say once...i dont trully think zoro is the vice captain....i want usopp to be....and nothing happen

Orange cookies

I feel like franky is on par with Sanji at this point in the story.