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op 569-571 patreon

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King Neptune knows how to fix the criminal problems. Give them jobs!! Make sure they’re too occupied with work that they don’t have time to be a criminal!


I have this theory about the energy steroid that it packs years of your life into that instant you take it. So if the drug reduces your life span by like 5 years, it’s because it’s giving you 5 years worth of growth, strength, and age all in an instant. And that is why they aged so quickly, because they took so much their basically condensed about 90% of their lives into that single battle


Now that you’re officially introduced to Big Mama, I just wanna say, and this is NOT a Spoiler but instead hype, the Big mama Arc is my absolute favorite bar none, and I cannot wait to see you react to it.


So the Tamate Box, and a lot of the names and stuff from this arc, comes from a Japanesse story. Short version of it, a fisherman saves a sea turtle one day, and to thank him the turtle carries him to the underwater palace of the king of the sea (Called the Ryugu palace) where he is further rewarded by the queen Otohime who entertains him as a guest for several days/weeks/months till the guy wants to go home. Before leaving the queen gives him the Tamate Box, saying he must keep it with him but never open it. On getting back to land he discovers nothing in his village was as he remembered and no one he knew is there, eventually finding out he's actually been gone for several hundred years. He goes through some emotional turmoil and eventually opens the box, instantly becoming a decrepit old man since what was inside the box was all the years he should have aged while he was with the spirits. Also, favorite post-saga party for my is the Water-7 one!


Usopp gets his nose from his mom lol. Yasopp just has a regular nose.


Be the Joy....boi!


Nami, Robin and Brooks banquet. Because I'm so happy for them:)


Akainu popped an energy steroid! Douche!


Luffy and Ace shared a red sake cup to become brothers. A spark of life emerged in Ace's heart. Sakazuki means "sake cup". In addition it was red sake cups they shared and Akainu's color is red. Then the red sake cup killed Ace, literally...


Luffy said; "If you mess with this Island I'll send Duval after you"!