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op 566-568 patreon

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Froxy Fox Foxy

God dang it Boom the sound of the anime again it is to low.

Jordan Rudnick

I love the dynamic between Jimbei and Robin.

Jordan Rudnick

Marko's skin care program is Pheonix


So.just started but on that initial question, doing some quick googling, Great White sharks have a jaw strength of over 4,000 lbf. The most powerful general use bear trap I can find tops out at around 400 lbf.


what a Perfect Episode to finish the reaction


I'm still fairly certain that Oda just added the over the top Sanji death by nosebleed thing as a way to set up the whole blood transfusion taboo for this scene.


Imagine if the beartrap chopped the leg of. Would see a lot of three legged bears then XD


That smile on Luffy's face when Jinbe enters him is so precious<3


there's no way that's not what he was doing, especially with chopper saying things like "I wonder if fishmen and humans have the same blood"when Sanji first starts the nosebleed gimmick


I knew you'd love the ending of that episode


And the sun shines down on Luffy again at the end. 😎 I'll admit, all these years and I've never considered "emergency blood bag" as a good reason for Jimbei to join. 🤣


Man, I was really looking forward to seeing you get to the end of this last episode :) Btw. I believe the voice actress for Madame Shirley is the same as Hange from AoT.


I love the full circle sort of vibe of Jimbei stepping up to give his blood. Like we know Jimbei and Luffy are close, but so it feels like an obvious choice, especially with the cliffhanger question at the end, but remember Jimbei was there when Fisher Tiger died, standing at his side as he refused human blood.


I prefer this translation more: "The deep red of blood flows in those who have been hurt or who hurt in turn. Though far too narrow to be called a path, it was the tiny tubes through which that blood now flowed, That tore through prejudice and fear, tore through the battles of those who sought to wash away blood with blood. So smoothly and easily it flowed, that clearer than any wild dream or ideal, all could see it for what it was-- A path to the sun."


I was waiting for the ending of the last episode. I recently joined Patreon and paid 2 twice on the span of 5 days (Cause I didin't know how the billing worked xD), but you content is worth it, man. When you started the "surprise Jimbe" I've been waiting for this moment. Keep it up!

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

I think most people who says Fish Man Island is a bad arc, are over-exaggerating. FishMan Island in my mind is a top arc in anime, but it is one of the bottom arcs in One Piece. My 10 least favourite: 10. Alabasta 9, Fish Man Island 8. Thriller Bark 7. Jaya 6.Amazon Lily 5.Reverse Mountain 4.Syrup Village 3.Orange Town 2. Whiskey Peak 1. Long Ring Long Land But many don't count Orange town and Syrup village as an arc but lump them together as a part of the East Blue Saga. So fishman comes out even worse for them. Would love to see you make a video ranking the arcs when you catch up!