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op 563-565 intro

Watch "op 563-565 intro" on Streamable.



the red hawk is so epic


I really love how different Hordy's motivation is from the other villains we've seen. Oda is not subtle at all this arc with all the parallels to US civil rights as you've noticed (KKK (Hordy's gang), Malcolm X (Tiger) and MLK (Otohime), but I don't think it needs to be subtle to be poignant. It's great to treat these subject since it's still such a problem (think of Buffalo recently). Oda doesn't shy away from real life issues, which is what makes his stories and characters so emotional and realistic.


It's soo cool Brooks sword got a name now:)


Wouldn't it be ironic if those pills came from The Holyland of Mariejoise? It's always the Celestial Dragons fault XD


now Im no linguist but i dont think that would be ironic


Yeah, this arc is just for the crew to show off some of the new tricks they learned over the last two years. Though as awesome as Chopper being able to control Monster Point is, the Red Hawk is just a hit straight to the feels!