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Viewer Suggestion - Gus


gus - The Expanse - Episode 2

Watch "gus - The Expanse - Episode 2" on Streamable.




Gus N

Almost everything in the show is based on highly realistic physics, there's no anti-gravity or faster than light travel. It's all at sub-light speed within our solar system. The gravity on ships is created by constant acceleration, and the gravity in stations and asteroids is from spinning. Ceres is an asteroid that they hollowed out and spun up to create artificial gravity. The thing with the water pouring strangely is an effect of the "gravity" created from spin. I think it's called the Coriolis effect but I could be wrong. When gravity is generated this way, the gravity closer to the core of the astroid or station is weaker and has more of the effect (and is also worse for the human body). Since Miller grew up poor, he lives closer to the core where the gravity is weaker and worse for the body so he's bad at pouring when he goes to visit that rich dude who probably lives on the outer edge where the gravity is more normal, but he's good at pouring when he's closer to the core where the effect is more noticeable.

Gus N

I'm sad requests are going away haha, we had just got started with this show. I'd love if it could be added to the monthly poll! or is that going away too? If so, it's definitely worth checking out on your own time. Most people say that the show really gets started around Episode 4 so definitely check it out up through then if you decide to watch more of it.


this show is really good