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op 552-554 patreon

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"The Noah had two of every ass beating you could think of" hahahah


That's a thing I like about Luffy. He's not completely selfless. If he does something, it's either for his own interest, or one of his friend's. On the other hand, he's naturally good-natured and it's REALLY easy to get on his good side. But it still feels more natural than someone like, say, Deku from MHA. The most selfish thing Luffy has done is probably causing most of Impel Down to break out in an attempt to save his brother.


Also stealing the gold from Skypia. Never thugh he would steal and has he done it since?


That's something I absolut love and I'm so glad Oda gave Luffy that kinda flaw, Luffy is a selfish guy in the sense of, he would absolutely burn the whole world, gladly with a big ol smile as long it means his friends are save and happy. I just love the fact that the whole crew is absolutely flawed but we still can love them for it.


Seems like Hordy thinks the land of the humans are maybe a little island or two


shiiieet Hordy feeling that Haki right there


Agreed, he doesn't fight for causes, or 'because it's the right thing to do', he really only cares about the well being of himself and his friends. Luckily for the One Piece world, he makes friends faster then any being not named Pinkie Pie.


Want to go kill all the rulers of the WG and start a war where you try to destroy and enslave all of humanity, Luffy really don't care. Start by wrecking his friends home? He's gonna go kick your ass till you leave his friends stuff alone. Say you are going to be King of the Pirates? Luffy gonna to end your whole career right here.


Oh and as to Shyarley, yes Oda confirmed that her and Arlong are, if not full siblings at least half siblings as they have the same father. Who dropped a three year old Sharley on a then fifteen year old Arlong and told him to take care of her, then bounced and was never seen by them again


That moment when luffy pulls out the conqueror’s Haki. That was just epic


Hordy: And then I'll be King of the Pirates! Luffy: I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Cause all I heard was, "Please, Mr. Mugiwara, could you beat within an inch of my life, with your bare hands?" Course, even if you didn't, the answer would still be a resounding "YES!!"

Marcel Badberg

a theory was set up for the prediction at the time, which i can tell you without spoiling you. the only info we have left for this theory comes from an sbs, meaning you wouldn't get that info easily unless you read the manga or the sbs. I will write the theory here without this little additional info, I will write the additional info in a separate comment so that I can delete it if necessary. the theory basically says that luffy will destroy the redline at the end of the manga in order to unite all seas and form "the one piece" or the all blue. when destroying the redline, the chunks would fall onto the fishman island and destroy the island

Marcel Badberg

to the additional info: oda was once asked what the one piece is or whether oda turns the story in such a way that the journey is the treasure. oda replied that he doesn't like such stories and that he would like to reward his characters at the end of the story. What I take away from this statement is that the one piece is something you can touch. this led to the idea that it would be a weapon or some kind of mechanism that would destroy the redline