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With the month coming to a close and many of you moving on. I just want to say thank you for making this the best month ever on the Patreon. We officially hit 500 patrons, which means I'll eventually get a One Piece tattoo to celebrate. It's a milestone I never really assumed I would hit. 

I hope to see y'all again in the future and thanks for taking the ride with me!


Mithril Lace

I am ride or die for the BoomFam. Even when I can't afford it I find a way xD <3


Oh, no! How in the world did you lose over 100 Patrons over night? What happened?


They restart at the beginning of the month. It's no biggie, the larger you grow, the larger the drop off


Jesus, that's a relief! I've only created a Patreon account to support you, so I don't know much about the site. This makes a lot of sense, lol. Thanks for explaining! I'll be looking forward to a lot more content from you!