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op 471-472 patreon

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Pakky P.

I'm a bit of what one could call an OP OG. I've been following the series week to week since Thriller Bark (So more than half of my life has been spent waiting every Saturday for a new episode) and as sad as it sounds, I've never missed a single episode past Sunday afternoon. This arc happened a lifetime ago for me and yet here I am on Patreon watching you react to something that I can't even remember reacting to, and I thank you for it. Because guys like you who bring back the feels bring back feels I haven't had for over a decade. So keep doing what you do on the grind because even 540 episodes later, it still hasn't peaked and it went from a series I've enjoyed by myself to one I now enjoy with my family as well as my OP family. Keep at it!


It's weird seeing no Hat Boom in a ONE PIECE DAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!

iron pirate76

drake is a ancient zoan, there are 3 types of zoan's the normal kind like rob lucci, the ancient kind like drake who is a dinosaur and then the mythical kind like marco the Phoenix


White beard such a fucking bad ass, I wish he was my dad. imagine how shit it would have been if he just slapped Squard into dust haha. the first time I watched that Hug scene I wept


Exactly, and as you go into the different subtypes the more rare they become. Mythical Zoans are rarest type of devil fruit.


Yeah, Whitebeard is the one true GOAT of all GOAT's in this story for a damn good reason!

Luis CK

You're right. Drake is not Mythical Zoan. He is Ancient Zoan. Pretty sure it has been mentioned but in case it hasn't, doesn't spoil anything at all. However I think Kizaru mentioned it when X Drake transformed back at Saboady. Fun fact. His name is pronounced “Diez” Drake. It's not an X, is the Roman number for “ten”. Don't know if you know that already. It took me a long time to know myself :p


Whitebeards retirement plan retired ^^


Btw. You may have realised this now, but no, Whitebeard was not wearing the medical equipment for show. His crew was asking him to wear it and he was being a pigheaded old man and sarcastically complaining whether they want him to wear it so that enemies will feel pity or something. I guess he eventually came around though, because that's how old men are, lol. Complain first, give in later.