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The Celestial Dragons can eat wiener


op 394-396 patreon

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Remember Haki was mentioned when Shanks and Whitebeard meet. Shanks was “flexing” it.

Jeremy Brooks

In regard to Sabaody, people on youtube are probably going to argue over how to pronounce it and nobody will agree. I say it kinda like how you do and keep it moving.

Pakky P.

Sa-bow-D basically.



Chris Richardson

Yeah Haki will slowly get explained soon


Yesss mate! that punch!!! this whole ark is emotionally fatiguing in the best way


YES! Welcome to the most satisfying punch in anime history! As to how to pronounce the arc, just do your best, this is one there is no clear consensus on the pronunciation for. It's based on a Japanese word that English just doesn't have the right phonemes to deal with. Now strap in, the rollercoaster has crested the top of that first hill, and the ride is ON!


A fun detail that got omitted due to Japan's broadcast regulations: when Kid mentions that Law has a bad attitude, in the anime, Law turns around and smirks at Kid. In the manga, Law smirks and *flips him off.*

Gus N

The name of this arc is a point of contention haha. Ruff calls it "Sha-bon-dy", because the characters say it that way in Japanese. The official English pronunciation is "Sab-oh-dy". And it's spelled Sabaody, which seems to be read like "Sa-ba-oh-dy". Pick whichever you like, personally I really just think they should've directly translated it into something like "Bubbly Archipelago" or "Soapy Archipelago". Edit: I've ever heard anyone pronounce it specifically "Sabowdy" though...

Gus N

When you catch up, you should watch some theory videos for a stream or something!


Its begun.. Fantastic episodes!


Sabaody is directly from the Portuguese word "sabão", which means soap. The Japanese pronunciation is pretty different, because *they* have a lot more trouble transliterating that to Japanese; the JP pronunciation is something like "Shabondy". Not that I know a lick of Portuguese, but if you wanted to say it close to the word it's based on, it sounds like sa-BAUw-dy to me, with a very light W. But Sa-boh-dy seems okay too, either way, so long as you don't trip over it every time. :D


Take a shot everytime Boom says bitch. I love how he's so into the episodes he can't help but say it lol


iirc, in the manga law actually gave kid the middle finger when they saw each other the first time in the auction house instead of just the cocky head tilt lmao,


Sabaody feels like a pointed parody of America what with the slavery and the racism and the healthcare bs and the privileged rich people, and the amusement park and merchandising to distract you from all that.


I kind of get wilded out when I hear people say that One Piece is apolitical. This arc here, and some upcoming arcs, lay the show's politics bare for anyone to see. I don't want to get too real, 'cause I know you gotta keep it relatively clean and neutral for youtube and for your audience lmao, but just look at the corruption and banal evil of the Marines in East Blue with Axe-hand Morgan and that rat bastard at Arlong Park, and compare that to how the Marines in this arc will rain down destruction in defense of the most despicable human beings you've ever seen. The World Nobles can do whatever they want without repercussions, even human trafficking and murder. The Marines exist only to protect the wealthy and powerful no matter how evil they are, and for everyone else it's luck of the draw if they get someone like Smoker or someone like that Rat guy. I don't think I need to spell out the parallels with the real world lmao just watch the news. You don't need to mention parties or elections to talk about politics. Oda wears that shit on his sleeve


Fun fact: you've actually already got a glimpse of Rayleigh before. Waaaay back, in the Buggy flashback, he's the one stopping his fight with Shanks.


Boom if you ever find yourself in the SF Bay Area, I will smoke you out for free. How dare no one offer you this!


i get that jay and silent bob scene :D


Once you're caught up I HIGHLY recommend checking out Mr.Morj's video about the politics of One Piece. Fantastic breakdown


Not sure if you picked up on it, but Disco had some agents in the audience deliberately up-bidding to boost the price. Edit: derp, nvm they just explained it.


That punch is one of my fav luffy scenes it really makes me happy every time I see it!


Just go the Merphy route and call it the 'not islands'.


Oh and one the topic of fan vids about the series, yeah most you need to stay away from, but Merphy Napier recently got into the series and has been doing arc reviews for the manga and her videos are pretty interesting, and safe to watch for the arcs you've completed.


Don't worry it's all going to end well, Luffy fixing the world, or not because it's One Piece.


I gotta say Boom, of all the many reactors I've seen, you have had one of the most visceral reactions to the Celestial Dragons out of anybody; and that's saying something because everybody hates those turds. Fun Side Fandom Theory - A number of One Piece theory people have, that's right, theorized that Byran (the musician slave who you heard would make a great wife) may actually be from the same island nation as Brook. They draw similarities to his music ability, but also his style of clothing and the fact they come from the same West Blue and have (had in Brook's case) similar skin tones.


What I'm actually wondering is if Pirate slave was actually a real pirate or whether the auction house dressed him up to make a show. Like Boom said, he almost looked like a caricature of a pirate.