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These episodes were too crazy to wait until Friday.


op 391 392 393 patreon

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Perfect timing just finished making a pizza then I see it's ONE PIECE DAY... Doesnt get much better!


Yeah you’re at a point right now where it just keeps going and doesn’t stop for a while. So it’s gonna be hard to take a decent break haha


What a set of episodes, this arc is sooo sick


I love that when Luffy doesn't understand something it's always a 'mystery'


Luffy on the bonchari/bubblebike reminded me of Bobby's World


The next 10 episodes will be just as good


So happy you were pausing and gathering the information. The world is really starting to open up even more right now, and there's definitely gonna be a lot to take in. Trying to take it in slowly is going to benefit you the most in the long run!! Great video!!


I prefer if you pause and stop for the info! Some episodes require a decent bit to take in, more important to get all the info than to make it a continuous episode.


i can remember how overwhelming these episodes are to see for the first time, what with all the new characters etc, but i just wanna point out how fucking sick i think the name "X Drake" is lmao. also that hes a disgraced marine officer, bc we all know: fuck the marines<3


I love your childlike enthusiasm for literally everything, Boom. It really makes it seem like One Piece/Oda are the perfect fit for you. One Piece: ~bubble bikes~ Boom: "Hʘʘʘʘʘʘʘʘʘʘ" Brook in his flashback: *sings an awful song about an octopus to harass his old crewmates* Boom: *grrr00vin'* Never change~


"This was supposed to be fun pirate adventures, now we're dealing with child slavery?" Yup, welcome to Sabody Archipelago! That Brook being utterly broken by the rides? That's foreshadowing of for what to expect on this ride.


"that's what headlights look like when they're driving toward me" yo astigmatism gang, what's up


- Sabaody I believe is pronounced "Sa-bow-dy" with a rounded O; "sabão" is Portuguese for soap, so it's named after the bubbles. - You caught on to the nasty underbelly behind Sabaody faster than most reactors. This arc introduces some of the truly evil themes in One Piece. Which goes to show, you don't have to be gory to go to some dark places. - "You need directions or somethin'?" is like the ultimate diss coming from Zoro. - If you look closely, Bonney was indeed kid-sized when she tackled Zoro...


If I was a slave i would probably do neck training every day and try my luck after some time.... And if you stuff things between your neck and the collar you could pobably survive and buy souverniers and go back to you wife and kids


Just think about it. The Celestial Dragons are an aristocratic bloodline of 800 years. To be blunt, they are incestuous af. So the fact that they look like a bunch of degenerates is very much part of the story. Btw. you should really consider watching the Munchhausen movie (maybe with reactions) someday. Oda must have been a huge fan, because he has incorporated like 80% of that movie into One Piece. Especially the Celestial Dragons.


That's awesome :) You may wanna catch up a bit more on One Piece first to catch all the references, although there's already a lot up to where you are now. Also, I don't know whether there may be several movies with that name, so if you ever do look it up, it's the one with Robin Williams.