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First of all, I want to say thank you, because without y'all's support we wouldn't find our selves in this odd spot.

So with the insane growth of the Major League tier for suggested reactions, I've found myself in a tough spot of almost not having enough time to finish them on time.

Since this isn't my full-time job(yet), I wanted to ask, what would be better for everyone overall.

Making the Major League tier higher priced, which if everyone effectively switch to say like  the $12 tier, then that would almost propel into full-time territory.


Keeping the tier the same price, but having a lower cap on how many people can get in.


Jeremy Brooks

Honestly if raising the price allows you to go full time (assuming you want that) I'd gladly pay a few dollars more.


Im not a big fan of being grandfathered (thats kinda how I look at it). So its more reasonable that if people really enjoy your reactions, want you help you reach full time, and have a suggestion they pay a bit more. It will all kinda fall into place as you can focus on your content and be supported. That being said.. there is the potential that you have so many supporters you may need to increase the price again. So I would say for you top tier there should be a limit for sure. Major league can be adjusted but also Maxed Out should probably have a cap. Just my thoughts.

Mithril Lace

I would be a pirate princess here if I could afford it 🥺🥺 so I’d say charge more for your time so people can get in but also make it so you have the income worth all that time


Honestly, both. And to be honest, it kinda sucks to do many episodes of one show on suggestion. I feel like there should be a limit on how far into a new show you'll do on suggestion as well. Watching 1 or 2 episode of a show every few months, almost all the way through a show makes it feel disjointed and imo makes less of the experience. Having to remember what happened in an episode a month or two ago. For shows designed to be consumed on a weekly basis, it ruins the flow and often the quality of the reaction. That's how I personally feel about it anyways.

Josep Guilaña

Like the people say i thing you need to do both or you get burned

Luis CK

I say higher price until you reach a point where no matter the price you need to limit it . Limiting it now from an administrative point of view would be pointless, because you need to focus in growing your community and that's a fair way to do it. Right now just rise it enough so you don't sacrifice more time than needed (or it becomes actually video trashland) and that way you might stumble into a show you'll love (not better than One Piece, tho). From a business point of view it's better to raise it now that your demand isn't hella crazy and limiting once it becomes. Talking patreon about where it doesn't matter that much the amount of videos you upload (no algorithm). About youtube you can expand by uploading the best mayor leagues or compilations with certain theme and promoting the Patreon that way. That's my opinion. I just love to think. Happy new year

Karsten Hase

i cheked both, pls dont work urself into the hospital sir ^^ pressure is never a good thing ^^