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op 376-378 patreon

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Josep Guilaña

The giggles in school is so on point hahaha


Hell yeah been waiting for you to get to these eps. So damn good. And about Vegapunk, we heard about him when coby was talking to luffy in water 7. He mentioned that vegapunk was the one that figured out how to make inanimate objects eat devil fruits


Now you know why many people been memeing "Nothing Happened". Such a powerful scene! I'm not gonna tell anything but prepare tissues for the next more tears to come, I promise :D. And you never need to apologize for tears either due to joy or sadness. I'm hyped to see your reaction to the next episodes and the next arc also. But the end of Thriller Bark is one of the best Arc Endings ever!!! Zoro was just too lost to find his way to heaven so he didn't die xD


dont worry, ive seen these episodes like 10 times and i still cry everytime so...


Party time eyy!!!


Regarding Zoro's stance in the beginning with sheathed swords, it's a combative technique known as iai-jutsu (ee-EYE-joot-su), or a quick-draw strike. Zoro's doing it with two swords-- which is unheard of and inefficient, but it's very on-brand for Zoro and the One Piece world lol. I think it's very interesting you brought up the quick-draw gunslingers from Spaghetti Westerns, because so many of them were influenced by chanbara/samurai films-- Like how Yojimbo was adapted into A Fistful Of Dollars, and how Seven Samurai was adapted into The Magnificent Seven. Granted I'm not saying that the film influences have any bearing on the origins or coincidental similarity of iai-do and quickdraw. These are much older techniques that developed and evolved out of necessity. But I do think the motivation is similar at the heart of both techniques, in that speed is a valuable asset in a duel. Zoro chose iaijutsu because Rashomon is his fastest technique, and he had just seen first-hand Kuma's incredible speed for himself. He's gotta keep his strikes as fast as possible or he's dead.


I think it's safe to assume Kurosawa and Leone have major influences in these things. At least it seems to be the easiest thread to connect


Also, BIG SHOUT OUTS to the composers for that stark, atonal, anxiety inducing musical score with the sinewy, razor sharp strings for the Kuma/Zoro scenes. I had the One Piece OST on loop a few days ago, and I heard that piece and instantly knew where it was from. Fuckin amazing.


Vegapunk has been mentioned before, but it's been a long time, I think the first time he was mentioned *by name* was in Alabasta. He was the one who figured out how to imbue objects with devil fruit powers. Like the Gun with the Dog Dog Fruit in Alabasta. Or the Sword with the Elephant fruit at Enies Lobby. He's also been mentioned in other regards, like in Post-Ennies Lobby I believe they talked about some ship technology he invented, but I'm not sure so I won't be specific.


The post Eines Lobby party is still my favorite, but the Thriller Bark one never fails to hit me right in the feels.


I love that Zoro told Luffy where to go when they met for the first time and now the theory is he gets lost because that's the curse the blade put on him when he got it at Loguetown


Koby mentioned that Vegapunk discovered that lining ship bottoms with Seastone allowed Marine ships to pass through the Calm Belt without being attacked by Sea Kings. Basically, you can assume that anything the World Government has that's high-tech or scientific was discovered by Vegapunk. :p


Funny you should mention Oda is a western fan. His first manga before One Piece was an western. (Won many awards) You can read it here: https://www.gardenmanage.com/statuses/50708.html Nami, Zoro and Luffy is used here but maybe a little different


Whats incredible is that Zoro can dodge speed of light! Kuma said it was air foce at the speed of light!


As detailed as that song is it's for sure foreshadowing something