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Wanted to go ahead upload this video, since I may not be around much this weekend due to the holidays.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend. If you don't observe, I hope the food you're forced to eat with your family is really freaking good. 


op 372 373 patreon

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Almost done with Thriller Bark. The next few Arcs is going to be INSANE. I would just keep it 2 per reaction


If you want to split it 3,3 and 2 I would personally say do 2 episodes in the next video and then 3 and 3. Because I think watching 379, 380 and 381 makes the most sense cause they flow very well together. Cause splitting those up into 378,379 and 380,381 stops the flow I think because I know what happens of course xD


I think there would be only 1 way to split it up even better which would be 2,2,4 but I doubt Boom wants to cover 4 in 1 episode xD


Have a great Christmas

Gus N

Zombies don't loose their shadow in the sunlight, people who don't have shadows burn to nothing in sunlight.


That’s what I was thinking. I forgot what they said in the earlier episodes that made it seem like they would burn up too if they were a Mario.


I love the fight between Luffy and Oars cause Oars is like I know your moves and Luffy's like "I've had 10 years to come up with these, I know how to counter them"


Great as always. Enjoy Xmas man!


I'll be sad whenever you fix the soundboard lol


I always get chills during that shot of Moria's eyes over the castle and his VA screams "SHADOWS ASGARD" so fucking epic


“Even if I had allowed you to continue peacefully on your voyage…at your level, death is all you would have found. You’re nowhere near ready for the New World!! Though it would appear you have gathered yourself quite a fine crew, you would only lose them all!! My words…come from experience. My subordinates…they were famed, far and wide… Why did I have to lose them all?! My friends were lost to me precisely because they were still alive!" Hmmm, I wonder who in the New World could have crushed Moria and his crew, to drive him to this conclusion...? :)


Had to join the Patreon... Thriller Bark is too good man, Glad to be able give a small bit of support as thanks for the awesome reactions!


haha he said sentai at the end