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Viewer Suggestion - DizzyMongoose - Thunderbolt Fantasy - Episode 3 & 4

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Thanks for the reaction! Honestly, I have trouble keeping track of the Chinese names too; frankly, Chinese romanization is a disaster, and they're not consistent about what they translate and what they keep in Chinese, either. IMO they should've just kept the characters' proper names untranslated and converted everything else into English; having events and items in Chinese is unnecessarily confusing. I have saved off a list of Chinese names and who/what they are to help keep track of things in the show. ----- Here's the characters' personal names and their literal Chinese translation (don't quote me on those), along with their "art name" (pseudonym) if they have one: * Shāng Bù Huàn (lit. Unconcerned With Dying Young) - The scruffy main dude. Yes, his name literally means YOLO. * Guǐ Niǎo (lit. Phantom Bird) / Enigmatic Gale - The sneaky smoky guy with white hair. Everyone who's worked with him before hints that Guǐ Niǎo is an alias. * Dān Fěi (lit. Vermillion Kingfisher) - The naive shrine girl. * Miè Tiān Hái (lit. Skeleton Who Scorns the Heavens) / Bones of Creation - The main villian. Tiān means Sky or Heaven; you'll see that word a lot. * Juǎn Cán Yún (lit. Rolling Scattered Clouds) / Frozen Wonder - The blonde hothead with the spear. Juǎn here isn't Spanish; the J is a hard J, so it sounds like Ju-ann, not Wan. The C doesn't sound like a K or S, either; it's a "Ts" sound, like the back half of "its" without the hard T. * Shòu Yún Xiāo (lit. Hunting Clouds and Sky) / Sharp-Eyed Impaler - The archer guy. You pronounce "Xi" like a thinner "Shi", with more air behind it, a little bit like a whistle; the older romanization used Hsi, which is a little more parsable in English. * Xíng Hài (lit. Final Punishment) / Night's Lament - The demon chick with the whip. Again, Xing sounds like Hsing. * Shā Wú Shēng (lit. Destroyer of Life) / Screaming Phoenix Killer - The bloodthirsty guy with two swords. His real name is especially on the nose. ----- Here's various non-character things, which IMO the translators should've converted to English for clarity: * Xuán Guǐ Zōng (lit. Dark Ghost Sect) - Miè Tiān Hái's evil posse. Again, X here is a breathy "sh" sound, so it's read more like Hsuan. * Tiān Xíng Jiàn (lit. Heavenly Punishment Sword) - The sacred sword that everyone's after. Tiān again means heaven; Xíng means punishment like in Xíng Hài's name; Jiàn means sword and is equivalent to Ken in Japanese. * Duàn Jiàn Cí (lit. Forging Sword Shrine) - The shrine where the Tiān Xíng Jiàn (Heavenly Punishment Sword) was being kept. * Qióng Mù Zhī Zhàn (lit. War of Fading Dusk) - Long ago war where demons invaded the human world. Q in this case is between a soft "ch" and "ts" sound, not a hard Kw like "quiz", so Qiong sounds like Chiong, not Kwiong. * Shén Huì Mó Xiè (lit. Divine Instruction Magic Weapon) - Magic weapons forged to defeat demons during the Qióng Mù Zhī Zhàn (War of Fading Dusk); the Tiān Xíng Jiàn (Heavenly Punishment Sword) is one of them. * Hù Yìn Shī (lit. Protector of Seals Division) - The seal guardian clans in charge of protecting the Shén Huì Mó Xiè (demon-killing magic weapons).