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Viewer Suggestion - Donell - Naruto Episode 1

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Oh shit Naruto... this one makes me feel my age. Naruto was my first anime, I started watching it in September 2004. I was 18 then, I'm 35 now. Really good series. Should maybe consider doing it for when you're done Hunter x Hunter, as it's a long one like One Piece, the manga is 700 chapters (One Piece is currently 1029 chapters). Also I'll clarify, Naruto is a human child with the nine tail fox sealed within him. As for how and why, you'll just have to watch the show. It has a lot of feels as you could probably tell by episode 1. There are two series, the original Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Both have a butt load of filler, it's not good filler like One Piece either.

Gus N

After you finish up Mob Psycho, HxH, or JoJos I'd love to see a Naruto reaction series. Honestly I might go and rewatch Naruto, it's been so long since I've seen it.


I apologize in advance for the novel below, but re-watching this just prompted me to write and get my memories out of my head. I was in highschool when Naruto fansubs started showing up in the early 00s internet. By that point in time I was pretty deep into anime fandom. Naruto started getting super popular online and me, being an cringy contrarian edgelord brat, pre-judged it as a conceptual ripoff of Ninku (an earlier Shonen Jump manga/anime about ninjas, also pretty great- I recommend it). I had been into One Piece for a few years at the time and felt defensive that Naruto was getting more love because it was the new hotness. You couldn't go anywhere on anime forums on the internet without being bombarded by Naruto AMVs set to Linkin Park. At the time I was also discovering the extreme metal scene, so Linkin Park felt like basic radio nu-metal to me. (yeah I know I was an elitist prick as a teen. thankfully I grew up...) After a few years I started hearing people complain about how the anime series was stuck with non-stop filler, and this only gave my feelings ammunition. So these feelings all amalgamated into me stubbornly refusing to watch it. I rationalized it by saying "Eh, following one major shonen series is enough. I'm into darker, grittier seinen stuff now anyway." Anyway, college rolled around, and I started switching from anime to manga as my primary preferred medium, and although my stubbornness against Naruto wore off a little, I still had internalized the whole "filler shonen" narrative, so when my friends recommended it, I just rolled my eyes. Finally after graduation, I came back home and was stuck looking for a job (this was in 2008). I managed to find a temporary position working in retail (at Hot Topic lol) and was kind of in a functioning depression. As a result I largely ignored the anime scene for the next few years and stuck to manga scanslations, music, and movies for entertainment. I needed to focus on finding a career anyway, so that ended up being my goal. I got a little settled in 2011, and started playing catch up with the One Piece anime. I was far ahead in the manga, but I wanted to see what it was like animated, and it renewed my interest in anime. 2014 rolled around, and I heard online that the Naruto manga had ended. Hearing all these folks online talk about how much they enjoyed it must have affected me, because I'm not sure what prompted me to give it a go, but I started watching the anime series (making sure to avoid the filler) and I realized, hey this is pretty great. Once I got totally up to date with the Naruto Shippuden anime, I switched to the manga and finished the series. I really enjoyed it, and felt like a stubborn fool for not letting this into my life when I was in highschool. Naruto was one of the Big 3 Shonen for a reason, haha. To be honest, I still think One Piece is the GOAT lol, but I have love for Naruto too, and I think the tribalism that occurs between major anime fandoms is silly.

Gus N

And yeah, the subtitles can be pretty inconsistent sometimes, but basically the Nine Tailed Fox was is sealed inside Naruto as a baby, not that Naruto *is* the Nine Tailed Fox.


Brave man.. once this is upload to Youtube... theres no going back *Creepy grimace* Great vid glad you liked the first episode!