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op 258-260 PATREON

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Mithril Lace

I hate Wanze so much but I will never get tired of watching Sanji show off his chef skills in that fight :3 Ugh I have so many emotions right now and I can't talk about most of them until you get further :'D But god damn your laugh is just the best. Even if I'm just feeling a chuckle at something, when you laugh I burst out laughing with you. What a fun time >u<


Lock On!!!!!! Sogeking second best part of this arc Sanji with the blades a chefs kiss "once the blade is drawn, food must be sliced" Question:Do you dance like that at parties 😂I love it


I'm also convinced Oda put Wanze in there just because he needed some justification for Sanji to use his hands in combat for once. FYI, Franky uses the "hentai" pun a number of times, so to explain since the word play doesn't translate well: The word "hentai" as most Western anime fans know it means "abnormal" or "perverted" (which Franky will happily tell you he is); however, the dictionary meaning of the word is "metamorphosis". So when Franky pulls out his centaur form, he shouts "Hentai!" (convert), but Nero nods because he thinks Franky is declaring that he's a "hentai" (pervert). I'm impressed the subbers managed to find two words that fit and also rhyme, which is at least in the same spirit. There's apparently a lot of other puns in One Piece that get lost in translation, like how a lot of Zoro's moves can both be interpreted as sword styles or types of sushi.

F. Carasind

He also put Wanze there to introduce us to something that would have come out of left field in the bubble arc.


The shot where Robin imagines the Merry burning in blue flames and her subsequent disturbed reaction is a symbolic vision of what she fears. Plus we'll get some info soon that gives more meaning behind that vision.


One could almost say..... we are on some literal hype trains towards Eines lobby! But yeah, this show has always been amazing, but this whole arc is where it takes everything up to the next level!