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op 256-257 patreon

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"We thought it was Michael and Hoichael from the backstreets." The train conductors thought it was them too lmao.


Luffy and Zoro vs the ocean reminds me of Artie and Lil Pete vs the Ocean. Did I just find a way to draw connection between One Piece and The Adventures of Pete and Pete? Yes. Yes, I believe I did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq3pe1LWj6w




SOGEKING, The King of Snipers, the Savior of the ocean, the Undefeated is here to rescue humankind and an insignificant pirate crew.


Sogeking, the man, the myth, the legend. All hail the true hero of One Piece! BTW, the Water 7 arc ends on 263, so you will exactly hit it if you do two 3-episode groups for 258-260 and 261-263. It's a nice cutoff point, but it's not a huge deal if you don't stop at 263.


Awwww little doggo.



Josep Guilaña

Bonus dog in the reaction? Pog


Yay pupper! Really is a pity Ussop is going to miss out on the rest of this arc but, I mean, having both him and Sogeking around would just be too damn OP and remove any conflict from the arc, so I get why Oda had to have Ussop refuse to join in.


It was originally like Monday, Wednesday, Friday for One Piece. Now it's like 5 days a week lol

Mithril Lace

SOGEKING! LOCK! ONNNNNN!!!! But foreal, Usopp's got such complicated feelings here. Ofc he had to dip without showing Luffy his face and send Sogeking to help in his place. Iceberg and Franky made me cry again. Goddamn it Bakaberg. Because I adore you and your reactions, I... *sigh* will watch the goddamn Wanze fight again. Just know I am watching it under duress because Wanze is seriously the MOST ANNOYING CHARACTER IN ONE PIECE FOR ME ._. Well, almost. In any case, watching his fight is physically painful for me. Last note? Your chuckle there at the end when Sogeking showed up breathed life into my cold, dead soul.

Alice Lapin

Favorite quote from this video, "How many hit points does the ocean have?" *chef kiss*


Wisdom teeth, that sucks. Had my bottom ones out when I was 17. At least I got like a week off school, I spent it all playing Everquest! Sogeking is one of my favorite parts about this arc/saga. Good to finally be on patreon, having the full uncut reactions is really nice.


Also boom, I mentioned this before on discord, if you can I'd recommend watching 274-278 for the complete experience.


I don't think Usopp was ever mad. He was always ashamed.