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Alabasta has been such a great storyline. Can't wait to see what's next!


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Welcome Robin :D


So many things in this one, on top of the awesome reaction of course. Yeah, the post saga parties are always the best part, Oda knows how to make it all worth it, and just, let everyone relax and recover from the tension with some fun.... and generally some nice bounty increases. Always so damn good. Jango and Full Body working for Hina was one of the things that was in the Cover Stories that, for some reason, the anime stopped adapting into episodes after the first few, (The adventures of Little Buggy was one of them) which is very odd given it would give them another two or three episodes each to use instead of making filler, and as you just saw, those do tend to either set up things for the future, or give some characters a bit more closure. Pell, while this hasn't been 100% confirmed, it's generally held that the original intent was for him to die. However, Oda changed his mind and had the post arc scene showing him having survived somehow because this was being written in the latter half of 2001, and Oda felt the last thing that was needed was more things to make people sad, especially in regard to explosions from towers. Robin, still love the way she wins over the crew, you can tell she is really good at getting people to do what she wants, and yes, she is 28, and thus the oldest person on the crew now. The deeper story she mentioned..... just keep watching. And finally, the farewell to Vivi..... oh SO GOOD! And yeah, the arms raised farewell is one of the most iconic moments of the show for a damn good reason. Yeah, Luffy really does just want his friends to be happy, if he gets to hang around with them as well, that's a bonus, but so long as he knows it's truly what they want, he's just glad that they found something that makes them happy.

F. Carasind

If you want to read the cover story that Seraphem mentioned here is a spoiler free link to the colored version (the text above the images are chapter titles from the Drum arc that you can ignore): https://imgur.com/a/8TsQr It is a little sad that the anime mostly skips the cover stories from now on because they expand the world even more (especially a certain one...).

Josep Guilaña

Man, usopp sniper skills are 🤌

Josep Guilaña

So you wanted a one piece tattoo, what about an X? 👀


My justification for Pell's survival: The bomb began with a blast wave that he was able to partially take through a mix of feathers dampening it and wings allowing it to carry him even higher. He's injured, kilometers high, and pretty burned because the blast only carried him out of the very worst fiery bit of explosion. He's able to barely control his fall until he crash-lands in the desert, fast but not quite enough to kil, using his wings to slow himself as best he can. Some doctor comes across him after he passes out from the trauma and helps fix up the man.


I thought it was the guy hoarding the dance powder is the one who helped Pell, like he did with Luffy

Mithril Lace

We shrieked so much xD where to start. Well, during Vivi's speech, I started to build up, and when they showed their X, I burst into bitch tears and managed to stop once you got emotional because that was adorable lol. When I first watched this, I didn't know Vivi wouldn't join them so I was a crying mess - I did know Robin would because the opening was showing her on the ship way before this. Either way, this arc was soooo good. Can't wait to see how you react to the next one!


The Real History of the Rio Poneglyph!! We've gotten our first tiny little clue into the larger overarching narrative of this show!!


Im for your conversation I could watch one piece any time, im wondering if you seen this before and just dont remember because your assumption be to on point maybe you seen the kids version because you started calling robin her name so easily most reactor call her miss all Sunday till the end


Nope, I didn't even say Luffy's name right apparently until like half way through the first episode lol Also not going to lie, I think I never got the hang of calling her Miss All Sunday. I'd go back and forth between Sunday and Miss Sunday. So her name being shorter as Robin just works better for my brain.


Forgot to say next arc is one of those what people call sandwiched so dont let youtube comment or views get to you its one of my fav arcs and i dont understand the hate and underappreciation


Boom! Watch the minute from 35:00. I love Merry:)


im super late to this, and i dont even know if someone already told you, but i like to point out that vivi is 16. she left her home to spy some very dangerous people when she was 14. (who made that descision????) so her pain was even worse cause shes a child imagine that kind of stress? i cry just thinking about it