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op 110 11 112 patreon

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We know Sanji's one of the monster trio in terms of strength, but ever since Little Garden, Sanji is increasingly showing himself to be a tactical, covert ops, 007 type coming in for CLUTCH saves.


Miss All Sunday (or Nico Robin, as Crocodile called her, to her annoyance), has been doing some very interesting things. Since we first met her, she's been sending mixed signals. Right now, we know she's done the following, which runs against the interests of Crocodile and Baroque Works: - Back in Whiskey Peak, in the shot right before Igaram's boat blows up, you quickly see a bunch of arms reaching across a black screen. We now know that's her ability. Since Igaram survived the explosion, the implication is that she pulled him off the boat before it blew up. - After the escape from Whiskey Peak, she showed up on the Going Merry, and offered them a faster route to Alabasta, so they wouldn't have to wait a year for their log pose to set in Little Garden. (Luffy refused and broke it, and thankfully due to clutch plays from Sanji they found an eternal pose) - In the meeting with Baroque Works executives meeting Crocodile, when they were going over the Strawhats that Mr. 2 had noticed, she didn't mention Sanji, even though she saw him on the boat back then. - She didn't kill Pell by completely breaking his spine in two even though she easily could have. - And now she saves Luffy. Like Dr. Kureha mentioned at the end of the Drum Island arc, this Nico Robin lady is also curious about the folks with the D middle initial. It's clear she has her own goals, different from Crocodile's, but at this point, we're not sure what they are.

Josep Guilaña

So much happen in this episodes, and yeah i'm with you Boom so much people confuse old animation with bad animation, when you look at this the colors the faces the shadows all is put with so much work and LOVE

Josep Guilaña

Man i love how you deliver nice information with 0 spoilers props to you man


Sanji is always showing off a little genius throughout the series.


It is said, that on the fateful day when the Straw Hats and all their allies clash with the forces of tyranny and evil, there will come a moment when the battle seems in doubt, when the forces of our heroes begin to fail, at the moment a mighty "QUACK" shall ring over the battlefield, all shall look up as Karoo D. Uck leads the Supersonic Duck Squadron into battle, turning the tides and saving the day!

Karsten Hase

ohhh i cant wait for the duels ^^


Though that Luffy could keep any food down. First time I see him barf