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2021-06-09 16-59-48_2

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My friends and I think Opening 7 is good, but not an MHA opening. Like you said, it's much more slice of life than the others. Also, you've probably been introduced to just as many characters in One Piece as MHA. The total number of MHA episodes is only 99 so far. So you've seen more episodes of One Piece already. One Piece just does an amazing job of spotlighting the characters and giving iconic moments for you to remember. Kuina had one episode, but her impact on Zoro was so big we remember her.

Mithril Lace

My favorite openings were the 7th and the Uverworld one - both for songs and imagery. But yeah, one of the things I really like about the openings for this show is that if you've read the manga, you can tell exactly where the show is going to take you based off the opening, and if you haven't, it gives enough highlights without outright spoiling it. One Piece is my favorite but one of the openings hella spoiled stuff for me and not in a "oh this is how it will end, yeah?" type of way for the current arc. It showed an actual full on "you won't find out why this is being shown until like 20 episodes later, but if you were wondering, yeah this is going to happen" type of spoiler. That's me trying to be vague lmao. ANYWAY I do recommend getting back on the BNHA train soon - rewatching from the start or from season 4 would be best if your memory is fuzzy. Season 5 starts slow but it just hit the juicier plot points in the most recent episodes and they come out every Saturday iirc, so you'd have time to catch up and see the good stuff.