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When y'all search for videos to watch reactions to, do you search for overall episode number like it's easier to do with ONE PIECE, or something like Part Number Episode Number?


Vlad Mavra

I use the episode number tags since it's guaranteed to fetch what I'm looking for


I just search for the episode. The only time I search for "parts" is when I search for a moment like a fight or backstory.

Mithril Lace

For One Piece, episode number. Sometimes arc name episode number, but mostly #. Sidenote, I couldn’t find all of your OP reactions on Patreon when I clicked the category. We started watching on your second video because we couldn’t find the first until I checked All Videos.

Mithril Lace

Makes sense xD idk how to tag anything ever

This is Fine

By numbers mostly easier to select and recognize in search


episode number :D

Daniel Östlund

I would prefer Arc name, like Arlong Park and similar