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Patreon ONE PIECE 47 48 49

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Josep Guilaña

The Blood and colors analysis was on point, like always amazing reaction Boom 😎


Don't sweat the pausing to talk. We're here for your reactions, so the talking comes with it. Lol. Also, I'd consider skipping the upcoming filler since it doesn't do much for you the viewer. The only filler I recommend is G8. Ask Ruff, it doesn't feel like filler.




I'm sure by now folks have told you the Loguetown > Prologue and Epilogue thing... BUT one detail that is often missed is that in japanese the 'r' and 'l' sounds are interchangeable, so when written using katakana script it could also be read as Roguetown, since it used to be the town where pirates and rogues used to stop by to get prepped before their entry into the Grand Line.


Also wasn't sure if you picked up on this, but Smoker is so good at his job of catching pirates, that the pirate bar Bar Gold Roger has basically had no other regular customers except for Smoker, since most pirates aren't strong enough to make it into the city, and if they do sneak by Smoker somehow, no one has the guts to openly claim their piracy by drinking there. That's why the owner is annoyed with Smoker. In spite of that, Smoker goes there to drink and commiserate with the owner that the pirates these days aren't what they used to be.


That's what I was assuming the bartender was meaning when he was talking about putting him out of business.