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2021-02-15 14-41-54

Watch "2021-02-15 14-41-54" on Streamable.



Best laid plans..... Soon...


I think you're pretty harsh calling everyone a coward and saying "it's what you signed up for". Chances are most of the soldiers did not actually sign up for this, because the wall had held strong for 100 years. Most soldiers probably signed up long before the first wall fell and never expected to be seeing a real titan in their lifetime.


I was mostly just trying to point out some context that you may have missed. And, well, it does spoil the commentary for me a bit, as the desperation that facing the Titans causes is a big part of the story for me. HOWEVER, I totally respect that people have varying reactions / emotions while watching anything, so maybe this one is just not for me. Still love a lot of your other content. No hard feelings.