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As my boss would say, "there are irons in the fire"...  though I wish I was sitting near that fire, right about now. I'm back in Michigan for a few weeks, helping my friend as he recovers from surgery. It's a bit nippy out, and his dogs are every bit as distracting as they were over the summer.

The next section of the comic is scripted out, though I haven't yet decided how many pages it'll be broken up into. Three might work, but so could one page with a single panel. I have reference at least for the background, but it's doubtful I'll be able to focus on drawing anything until I'm back home. Even if I do draw something, I won't be able to ink or color it here, as I didn't bring my Cintiq with me.

In the meantime, the recent round of game industry layoffs, combined with other news closer to home, has me psyching myself up to get back to work on a number of things. A Maya tool for designing character UIs has been on my mind for a while, and I certainly have time to work on it. The America Sings VR project is showing signs of life again, so that's something I could help out with. I'm also thinking again about tinkering with a Daisy platformer, but that's more in the brainstorming stage, at this point. No matter what I set my sights on, time might be on my side, for the first time in a while.

If nothing else, whenever I get back to Florida, I might need to revisit some of my thumbnailed pinup ideas from the past year, even if only as a warmup. Until then, I'm keeping my page's billing turned off for at least another month.


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