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Every time I think my seasonal brain-fog is lifting, a thought pops into my head that confirms that nope, it hasn't. One thing affecting my mood is that I'm not just waiting for this to pass, I'm waiting to have enough free time and energy to work on anything for myself. And while I'm waiting, I'm watching the world pass by...

In the past few months, AI has become the latest bogeyman of the creative world. I'm not particularly worried just yet, because I don't need to be. Until my contract ends, I'm an outside observer. And who knows, much like NFTs, this mess could sort itself out by the time I'm ready to jump back in.

Recently, I acquired some blueprints for Splash Mountain, which will be helpful if I do decide to try to recreate the ride in VR. Even if I don't, the prints would make neat wall decorations... if they weren't so BIG. Reading that each sheet measures 48" x 36" doesn't quite sink in until you actually see them up close.

A video essay on HBO Max's Velma is also still on my mind, despite it feeling like even more of a waste of time the further we get from the show's release. I have points I'd like to make that I haven't seen anyone else touch on, but I'm lucky if I have even one day a week where I can record and edit anything. By the time I'm able to cut it all together, I may need to frame it as "Now that season 2 of Velma is here, let's review what a creative miscarriage season 1 was..."



Sean Jenkins

I don't know what Monique is doing there, but instead of 'motorboating' I'm going to propose calling it 'Iceberg', 'cause that's what sunk the Titanic.