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This week hasn't quite gone how I'd hoped, so to take my mind off things, I've been working on some custom game covers.

My main goal this week didn't sound so difficult - dive into Blender, figure out its sculpting tools, and then use them.  While I did explore the tools and fill out some index cards with notes and shortcuts, I found myself resistant to doing much more than that. Learning a new program is always frustrating, especially when it's similar to something you already know.

So far, Blender feels like a mixed bag. Most of the things I hated about Zbrush are either not present or are done in a much more intuitive way. My biggest problem is that I remember how certain brushes worked in Zbrush, and expect Blender's to work the same way. But some brushes work VERY different from their Zbrush counterparts, despite sharing the same names, meaning I then have to look up how to get it to work "right", or if there's another brush that does what I'm expecting.

I needed a break from Daisy - and drawing in general - but at this rate I may have to cut that break short before Blender makes me toss my computer through a wall...




When I was in middle school there was a laundromat near my house that had stand up arcade games of the original Mario Brothers, as well as Operation Wolf. For that matter, there was a discount store my family frequented (Zayre's, IIRC) that had a coin arcade game of Super Mario Brothers. (Zayre's or Ames, the store changed names, either way they've been out of business locally since the early-1990s.)