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Hello everyone, howly here.

Since it’s been a while, and you might not know/remember who I am, I wrote Adastra, Arches, and I was one of the co-writers for Echo.

First of all let me start apologizing for the incredibly long silence on my part. Not much can excuse my absence during what was supposed to be Adastra’s comeback year, in terms of updating the novels. I also want to say thanks to all of you who have stuck around, still interested in the stories I write.


Khemia is back in development, but it’s been slow due to those working on the VN having an extremely awful 2023. On top of that, Haps has been busy with a rather large workload. However, we now feel it’s possible to begin work in earnest again, and we should have the first build out in March. The opening of Khemia is going to get a moderate re-write, as themes originally meant for Khemia found their way into Arches, so while it won’t be all new, I hope the new ideas I have for the story are still exciting for you guys.


Arches will receive its final update at the end of this month. To keep its official release more neat and clean, I’ll put some thoughts I have about it here. To me, Arches is the most important story I’ve written, and now that there’s been some time for it to settle, I’m happy to say that it still means a lot to me. I loved writing it every time I was able, even though it was usually a fairly tense experience. Dev and Cam will always hold a special place in my heart. I do hope I can do more with them in the future, because writing their interactions felt more natural to me than any other couple I’ve written. And of course, it wouldn’t be a visual novel without the incredible artists and composer that worked on it, and I’m really proud of what we created. The entire team put their whole hearts into the novel, and it really shows.

I also want to thank the teams working on TSR and Glory Hounds for keeping up the fantastic, quality work. As for the final release, Arches will receive some general editing, along with a short story that might just continue a certain storyline a bit further.

Below is a very early WIP for said story, with art by the wonderful Paintfox.




So I very recently (like 3 days ago) decided to give Arches a shot after replaying Echo and... This was an INSANE ride of emotions. Echo is fantastic, but this... this is something different; a different experience that I think even surpasses Echo in some ways. Every single piece of media in this meshed incredibly well, from the sprites, to the backgrounds and illustrations, to the music and of course, the writing. Everyone did a phenomenal job here! I wish I could go back in time experience this again for the first time. I'm so looking forward to whatever else is in store from the team! That said, I'm glad to hear you're doing better, and keep up the incredible work! I'm gonna pick up TSR next.


I'm really glad to hear you're feeling better! Excited to see wherever the story goes :) Is Interea finished, or will it be getting a rewrite to fit better into Khemia's rewrite? I'm showing Adastra to a few friends, they're excited about the story and they might ask me about a sequel...


Keep up the great work and that goes double for feeling better


Excited about the Arches update, as it is my fave VN from you!! Take as much time as you need to make it amazing! ^^


I’m so pumped I’m new to this VN chain and I just finished Adastra and I’ve just like cried 🥲 can’t wait for Khemia to tie into the same story line and maybe get another VN after Khemia continuing the same universe 🥹🥹 I love this so far, I was suggested by a friend and now I’m hooked, you have got me as a patreon for a while now ahah, keep up the fantastic work.


Can we expect the final update of Arches this summer at least?


Hey, i don´t mean to be pushy, but could we get an update on the situation of Khemia? I understand life comes in the way of plans sometimes, and stuff happens, but we haven´t heard anything for a while, and i would like to know if it´s at least close to releasing?