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Suggest in the comments a scene from the VN you'd like to see illustrated by Stranj. Once we have a nice selection, we'll choose four or five of your suggestions and hold a vote! Depending on how this goes, we'll likely make this a regular thing in the future.



The fun that Chase and Leo were having just prior to Chase finding those creepy texts on his cell phone.


I think the scene where Chase finds Carl on the patio during the birthday party and talks to him? I feel that one is simple and could convey a lot.


TJ and Chase on the roller coaster.


The freakout Chase has in the Diner bathroom, where he sees his face warp with a hideous smile.


The freakout of Chase in the bathroom is a good idea! Also, any memory scene (be either the water ballon fight, one of the gang at the lake,Carl birthday party, etc), Chase getting scared by the fake spider at the hike. Well, one that would be cool too is the early dream scenes at the lake (Leo and Chase chained at the lake, Chase and Carl driving into the lake, etc). Well, there it is, too many suggestions, I'm sorry.


When Leo and Flynn fight at the lake.


Chase in the bathroom having his freakout could be great if done right. Having his face in the mirror be unexpectedly animated or something would be absolutely, balls-trippingly gravy. I forget what scene it was, but there was one where there was a complete hard-cut to a completely different scene with no transition whatsoever, and just the unexpected nature of it had an absolutely chilling effect.


Given the pivotal nature of Flynn's freakout by Yeeyaw - you know, in separating the VN into its different routes - I think that would be a really good, key moment to illustrate.


Chase and Carl's kiss would be so cute!!!


If it's just one of the scenes already in the game, it should be something universal, before the paths branch. I like the standoff at the lake.


Not much love for the horror scenes here it seems. The scene when Chase found the rat guy who's name I forget tied up by brian was it? The black smoke in the hotel area could be have it's own illustration. The scene where Chase is paralyzed at the bottom of the lake.


I agree. The standoff at the lake would be best. I think it illustrates what's really happening to the group perfectly and is a pivotal plot point that every route has, so everyone can relate to it. No matter what route you prefer.


The scene with the smoke Monster ^^


Flynn fight at the lake.


An obvious one would be the photo the group takes right at the start of the game, though not particularly exciting. Agree that the initial confrontation at the river is practically mandatory. I like the suggestions for the horror/danger scenarios: Chase stumbling upon Clint 'tied' to the tree and Brian finding them, Chase being attacked toward the (current) end of Leo's route, one of Chase's sleep-paralysis induced nightmares etc. Of course there's always room for more lighthearted stuff like TJ walking in on Chase in the diner's restroom, or Leo pouring his heart out to Chase on the football field.


I'd say the group photo they take on the first day would be a good choice, some scenes that show off a bit more scenery like the scene where Tj and Chase are looking at the canyon, or the scene where Carl, FLynn, and Chase are fishing at the pond, or the scene with Chase and Leo at the high school to name a few.


Hm. Chase and Carl's kiss, the photo the group has taken, and the river argument, to keep it simple suggestion wise.


Either the Lake altercation, or Chase getting his pants scared off by the fake spider prank in TJ's route.


I'd like to Echo the sentiment that illustrating Flynn's outburst by Yeeyaw would make a lot sense. It's a pivotal point in the story, highlights some of the tension within the group, and everyone would get to see it regardless of the route they take. Outside of that, something with a lot of tension or horror would be great, like the aforementioned smoke monster scene, some of Chase's dreams, or almost any major scene with Clint.

Juicy Drake Studios

In Carl's route, when they all meet up at the lake, Some part of that should be illustrated.