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So it's pretty clear that most people would like for us to continue on the routes that we're on. We did, however, like the idea that was presented by a few of you to occasionally do a route update for another one of the characters.

So! After this week's update we will likely do just that and hold a vote for what route you'd like to see updated in between Carl and Leo's. If you disagree with this method, though, let us know in the comments.

Also, as a little bonus we left a snippet of Leo's new sprite in the attachment. We'll update a full version for the towny+ patrons soon.




Er. So the vore was pointless?


The vote was to see if patrons preferred we switch to another set of routes. We're still sticking with Leo and Carl. Now we'll just be throwing in an update for another character every now and then. We will be watching the comments, though, so if people don't like this either we likely won't do it.


I'm definitely okay with another character's route update being thrown in there once in a while. Keeps things fresh.


Wonder who will get the first just because we can update...


I think you should stick with Leos and Carls Route. I mean look on the Vote =) ~3/4 of the Users want that ^^ and to do just one update on a route and then let it sleep again... just no xD


well will be the update


Bet it'll end up being Flynn. But I like this idea. It's a happy medium. As for the new Leo sprite, I'm only okay with it, but I think that's in part because the fur lines around his eyes and snout are far too strong right now for black and white, which makes it hard to focus on his actual features. But from so far, I think it'll work out just fine.


Seems like a good compromise. Carl and Leo are the primary focus and will still be finished first but the others won't be as far behind at that point, plus it lessens the chances of something from another route being revealed too early if it's planned out right.


Any idea when there will be of Flynn, It ends in a really really terrible place and I really want to see what happens next.


Well, we'll be holding a vote soon, and I think Flynn has a good chance of being chosen. Keep an eye out next month when we put the vote up so you can have your say!


when is the update


well its 9:35 pm where is the update ?