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Toki is still hard at work on the UI and has come up with a few more ideas to give the VN a more polished look. In the attachments you'll find the two concepts we have so far.

Idea 1: Sticking with the minimalist look. Idea is to keep the UI polished but make it as unassuming as possible.

Idea 2: A more stylistic approach. Obviously there won't be a screenshot of a notebook, it will likely be drawn in more elegantly by our artists, but this shows off Toki's idea to give us a sort of Chase POV with him and his notebook.

In other words, this vote comes down to minimal vs theme. Once you've decided, go ahead and click the link below to vote!





I think idea 1 is the best ^^ the secound one is... not transparent x3


I definitely prefer transparency over aesthetic


While I think the idea of 2 is interesting, I feel that the transparency and minimalism of 1 is just nicer to look at and less intrusive.


They both have good points, but I think the minimalistic style of number 1 is less distracting and a better fit overall. I do like the idea of having the buttons (save/load etc.) on the sides of the text box rather than hidden at the bottom, would make them easier to use.


I vote for the first one. Just has a nice clean look to it.


Chase has been keeping a notebook?


Personally i like the overall design of the first one but, with the placement concept of the second one.


I'd be interested to see what a more polished and personalized version of number two would look like along, with a slight transparency for better visuals as most people seem to be preferring. As for now, I've gotta go with number 1.


I prefer the first one tbh, Just seems to blend in more with its simplistic design. Looks professional :)


UI 1, definitely!

Dancing Mad

UI 1 in my opinion more so for the transparency. I do like the notebook concept though


UI 1 for how simplistic it is, but I like a lotta the elements for UI 2, the notebook primarily.